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Consumer Alert

Data breaches were missed learning opportunities for ed tech company

Seena Gressin
An easy step can help protect your online accounts from hackers. Whenever you can, make sure your accounts ask for two credentials to verify your identity when you log in. It’s called multifactor, or two-factor, authentication. The protection is so powerful that the FTC insisted that Chegg, Inc., offer it to users of its online educational services as part of a settlement of an FTC data breach case against it.
Consumer Alert

Have you been affected by a data breach? Read on

Ari Lazarus
Hackers know a secret many of us share: we reuse passwords. Don’t. That’s one takeaway from the FTC’s case against online alcohol delivery platform Drizly. Here’s what to do after a data breach and why.
Consumer Alert

Who’s minding your business? The FTC invites you to comment on commercial surveillance and data security

Seena Gressin
Many of us have grown used to the idea that companies constantly collect information about us as we go about our daily lives. It may be information we give up willingly, like a credit card number for a purchase. But it also may be information that we don’t know we’re surrendering, and may not want to share. Companies are able to collect enormous amounts of personal data about virtually every conceivable aspect of our lives, often in ways that we might not expect or understand.