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Did your favorite celebrity reach out to you on social media?

Before you get too excited, are you sure it’s that person? Really sure? We’ve heard reports that scammers, who will try just about anything to separate you from your money, are now posing as celebrities on social media. They’re asking fans to send money for all kinds of supposed reasons – like claiming a prize, donating to a charity, or giving help of some kind. Some celebs do raise money for legitimate causes. But you want to be sure the cause—and the person asking you to support it—are real.

Imposter scams come in many varieties, but they all work the same way: a scammer pretends to be someone you trust to convince you to send them money. And that’s exactly what these celebrity imposters are trying to do.

So what should you do if a celebrity contacts you on social media and asks for money?

  • Slow down. Before you send money, talk with someone you trust.
  • Do some research: search online for the celebrity’s name plus “scam.” Do the same with any charity or cause they’re asking you to support—and learn more about charity scams here.
  • Never send money, gift cards or prepaid debit cards to someone you don’t know or haven’t met – even celebrities you meet on social media.
  • If you sent money to a scammer, contact the company you used to send the money (your bank, wire transfer service, gift card company, or prepaid debit card company). Tell them the transaction was a fraud. Ask the company to reverse the transaction, if it’s possible.
  • Report your experience to the social media site and to the FTC.

To learn more about imposter scams, visit

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The purpose of this blog and its comments section is to inform readers about Federal Trade Commission activity, and share information to help them avoid, report, and recover from fraud, scams, and bad business practices. Your thoughts, ideas, and concerns are welcome, and we encourage comments. But keep in mind, this is a moderated blog. We review all comments before they are posted, and we won’t post comments that don’t comply with our commenting policy. We expect commenters to treat each other and the blog writers with respect.

  • We won’t post off-topic comments, repeated identical comments, or comments that include sales pitches or promotions.
  • We won’t post comments that include vulgar messages, personal attacks by name, or offensive terms that target specific people or groups.
  • We won’t post threats, defamatory statements, or suggestions or encouragement of illegal activity.
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danny dog
June 27, 2019

In reply to by st

hi it was not me it was my wife she to up set still. they did come back for a second lot off money saying the cost had gone up because off the exchange rate but by then l found out and stop it a few months ago l got in cont with his agents and they told me it was never him they said he never talk on any social plat form still getting messages from people saying that they are Chris hemsworth . she only put a like on Chris prats site he also being trying for money saying his new wife was only after his money what a laugh she a bit more careful know and keeps off messenger and hangouts.
Hemsworth fan
August 01, 2019

In reply to by danny dog

Hi, yes this happened to me exactly the same . The VIP tickets offer and Meet and Greet scenario and lost some money too. Still getting a lot of messages from Chris Hemsworth’s and it does get very confusing as you feel like there has to be some truth in it somewhere or one must be real or something esp as they are so convincing and knowledgable . Chris Pratt also said the same to me but he gave up talking to me as didn’t get anywhere . It’s exciting for a fan to receive messages from a favourite celebrity and not initially obvious that they are from scammers .
July 03, 2019
i have receive a messages at instagram,and its was a famous korean celebrity,we started chatting on (google hangout) ,but he's not often chatting me bcause he ever said tht hes busy wth his schedule,he said just send me text anytime,i will definitely reply it,but not on time,(he said tht) before he giving me his private email,he said please dont share my email to others,promise me", but in our conversation,he never ask something tht scammer did, he only ask abt how was my day,,and he jst tell me his activity,i was confius,i thought scammer wll texting me often and asking for stupid question like credit card, or any money issue,idk.but sure if after this he ask for money i will definitely blocking him.thts all.
December 30, 2019

In reply to by ladybug

Same with me. I have an actor who gave the right time in his country, internationally. Hasn’t asked me for money though, he’s already angry because I’m doubting him, might even stop texting me. We’ll see.
July 03, 2019
Four Johnny Depp Instagram accounts tried me. We talked for over a year before they asked for money.
July 08, 2019
Am a huge fan of a celebrity on Facebook and Instagram, suddenly get a "hi how are you doing " message from Jodelle Ferland on messenger outside of facebook. Once in May then again a day ago. Nothing further at this stage.
Almost scammed…
July 15, 2019
I've been getting messages on Instagram and Hangouts from Country music Stars. One even wanted to write me a 10,000.00 . If I knew how I would post the entire conversations on here. Some are BIG names. I kept the whole things, one took place over 3 1/2 hours. Really glad I found this site...
Joanne Shewan
July 21, 2019
I tried to get scammed through Hangouts and Instagram by a guy saying be was Liev Schreiber and wanted to meet me, but I needed to pay his management a meet and greet fee... yeah, right!
October 07, 2019

In reply to by Joanne Shewan

Yup right after labor day- I got the same thing.
July 22, 2019
I have been having conv on Hangout app with a Steve Martin impersonator. It started bc I liked the official fan page...he contacted me thru msgr then had me go to hangout app. Also wanted gift cards sent to his mngr so he could meet me in person. Scared me so questioned his authenticity and he got angry. Asked me odd questions...Scary. Of course we are not chatting anylonger.
July 25, 2019
There’s an active scammer out there impersonating Brian May of Queen. He had a check for $4.8 million sent to me to hold for him while he’s on tour to show he “trusted” me. I noticed right away that it was bogus and did my research to confirm it. Of course not long after that he asked for $40,000 to help with “tour expenses.” Not a chance. Gonna try to reach the real Brian’s management so they are aware. Beware Queen fans!
November 21, 2019

In reply to by Lalala

Hello, I've a similar problem and I think is the same person, did he used Google Hangout or the account was like BryanMayOfficial?
July 19, 2021

In reply to by Mememe

I recently got messaged from a man saying that he was Brian May of Queen and telling me that he was going to send me diamond necklaces and gold and signed guitars. Well I know for a fact that Brian May is a celebrity but he's not going to go around talking to every one of his fans on Facebook hang out. It's all a scam and I realize that now and these people need to be ashamed of themselves
July 26, 2019
I met someone on Twitter and carried over to Google hangouts and this person is suppose to be Debbie Harry and i have been scammed out of almost $4000 by this person. This person will not do a video call with me on hangouts but this person has been asking me for gift cards, this person says she wants to come to Canada to meet up but this person never showed up.
July 27, 2019
I have been DM by The Rock - from reading these comments on here I am now presuming its fake. thanks to all for your info. I can now block and stop chatting to this fake. Same MO, Instagram message, asked me to go to Hangouts - has not asked or anything , but the MO seems the same as stories on here - so I'm out.
July 28, 2019
My daughter, too. Marriage proposal from Aaron Carter. She started comments on an authorized website, and suddenly got romanced, with a marriage proposal after only 4 months of texting. Why would a celebrity in the midst of a lucrative tour want $500 from her IMMEDIATELY? The real Aaron Carter has a brother worth $35M. Why bother US for $$? This person also said to tell no one. All text so there is no phone call record. Fake documents noting a county that doesn't exist in this state.
July 29, 2019
Just got a message from a supposed celebrity. They didn't ask for money but simply thanked me for my comment. However, the page he responded from was spelled one letter different than the authentic page and only a few hundred people followed on page. Is this a scam?
September 18, 2019

In reply to by BarbieNicole

I don’t know if it’s a scam. Not having a blue check mark just means his account isn’t verified. That person may have started an account away from his management, who knows why. Bottom line use your brain: if somebody supposedly wealthy is asking for anything in monumental value, it’s a scam. If they’re not, roll with it.
July 30, 2019
This is happening to me right now. I got a messenger message from a musician I like who started to offer me a special deal to talk with them before a concert. I reported it to Facebook.
July 31, 2019
Well, you can add Zahn McClarnon to the list. Contacted me out of the blue on Twitter. Said it was his private account. Don't know why this person chose me, I don't comment on his posts or even really engage, anyway..... Three weeks of nonsense of being in love with me, going to get married. I played along trying to get the real poop. And this guy was good. Using phrases you hear Zahn use in interviews, etc....Knew plenty about him, but cagey about his work as in I KNOW Dr. Sleep is a wrap - in post production - but he's still filming - naw dawg. Anyway msgs in a panic that his security company that houses important documents closing and he needs someone to accept delivery on a briefcase as he's too busy to pick up. I of course was like, don't you have friends closer to you? (I live 3,000 miles away). Played along to find out how much - the courier company is legit looking enough - nice web page. Would cost me $10,850 to pick accept delivery + my id. Yeah, nope. Told them if "Mr McClarnon" wants to have the briefcase delivered to me, he can pay for it himself. Shame scammers get into everything.
July 31, 2019
I got one from"jennifer lawerence" The imposter said they wanted to come meet me but wanted me to pay some of the 140 000 dollar flight cost. Its hilarious what they come up with.
August 01, 2019
We have a family member with dementia who was scammed out of possibly over $60k over the last 2 years by people imitating Tom Cruise and Luke Bryan initially on Instagram. Due do the mental state, this family member still maintains the relationships are active so they can't be reported as crimes... even though we have the Western Union account, name and address of the person getting the wires. Very sad state of affairs and these criminal celebrity impersonators have essentially ruined this person's life.
August 01, 2019
I have someone trying to scam me today saying that they are Chris brown which I don’t listen to my music so that didn’t really get me excited or anything but they keep asking me for a 100 iTunes gift card to see if I can be trusted and then they would send me $20000 and they will not give me any evidence of being real when asked
August 03, 2019
I was contacted on Instagram by an individual insisting he is Damien Escobar this is been going on for months and continues as of this writing .He has asked for a donation to his charity Violins Against Violence for kids with cancer. I contributed 300.00 and had to insist on a receipt, He also tried the eet and greet thing through mgmt. 15Khich he emailed (don't know if its authentic). After I insisted we did a very brief maybe 2 minute video chat and it actually appeared to be Damien in hid bed shirtless and has was able to describe my background later in a text ( nothing vulgar and actually very charnming) He mailed fiHow can this..this occurred just once on be? The reception wasn't the greatest... I saw him for about 2 minutes about it actually appeared to be Damien there some sort of ap that can produce celebrity images. Has anyone been contacted by a Damien Escobar impersonator..this guy texts me 3 times a day like we are in a relationship...He present as charming, fun, thoughtful, spiritual...and then hits you up for big money! I to i want to reach out to the real Damien E.dometimes I winder if he or his camp is involved. I get candid pics not on the internet and one in which is a pic of Damien Escobar actually holding a sign saying I love you with my name..How can this be? Is this an looks so authentic.
May 20, 2020

In reply to by NedaNo

I been chatting with someoneone named shemar moore who is now in love with me. Asked for money once I said no and that was it, but we still text. The only thing he wants is for me to reach out to his management for a membership to meet with him. I think it may be him but not sure. There were others but nothing compared to this one. What do you think? Play along a while longer? See I am really in love with shemar moore
June 11, 2020

In reply to by Kb

I thought, he is a scammer. Be careful.
June 29, 2020

In reply to by Kb

Same thing has been happening with me, he messaged me on his official twitter. We’ve been chatting since April, wants me to contact his management co for membership card for an insane dollar amount.
July 22, 2020

In reply to by AC

Yeah same thing here has been talking to me sense yesterday telling me he loves me and that I should invest with him. My gut says that the really one would not say all these things so yeah.
December 29, 2020

In reply to by Kb

Hey just had the same thing happen the past few days saying the person was Shemar Moore I am a huge fan of his,he kept asking me to go to the store to buy a $300 eBay gift card to give to his manager to connect our phones and he kept saying he was in love with me I kept playing along cuz I knew it was a scam and it wasn't going to go to the store and buy a gift card for $300 because I knew it was a but he finally admitted it he was a scam artist
August 06, 2019
I was contacted by a former footballer and reality TV star from the UK named Ashley Cain. He had been sending me messages for months on IG. I didn't see them because we weren't following each other. He had left me several comments, which got my attention. We messaged on IG for a bit. It was difficult to do so I asked him to move to Hangouts. He would call and call me there, but I would miss the call because I didn't have my notifications on. He sent me personal selfies and 2 personal videos. I sent him pics and vids but no personal information. When I did a search of his name I discovered who he was. I confronted him and he created this elaborate tale about how he stepped away from social media to find true love. Saw random pics on IG and "bombed" into mine and sent me messages. I didn't know nor have I ever heard of Mr. Cain. He said he was sorry for lying to me but he needed to know that someone liked him for him and not for what he has. We chatted for a bit more...(meanwhile, I was doing my research) He told me his bday was May 17..the real Ashley's bday is Sept. 27. The imposter told me he was 33, yet Mr. Cain will soon be 28. I confronted him several times and he would avoid the questions or disappear for several hours. When I asked for more pics he started saying that his Google play store needed updating. He said he was "working off-shore" and couldn't get to his money. He asked me to send him a Steam card and I went off on him. I told him I don't finance men. He claimed he was "hurt" and didn't see anything wrong with this favor he was asking. I ignored that. We would talk on the phone for long periods of time, when time and our connection permitted. The connection would drop all the time and he would get frustrated and go on about that card. He even called and sang to me once. I did an image search for the pics he sent and came up empty. I didn't understand how he was able to access these pics. I went to the real Ashley's page and discovered a new post. He said he had been gone for a while because he had been hacked. Everything he was saying was not matching up with the what the real Ashley was doing. At this point, I am curious as to where this is going and what lies he'll spin next. He said that since I won't come see him at the end of summer he will come see me. He said he'll go see his mother in Africa and then come to the states. Meanwhile, he told me earlier on that his mother was deceased. Of course he "fell in love" with me after a few weeks of chatting...he didn't understand this attraction and blah, blah... When I would ask, again, for personal pics and vids he would go on and on about his card. Eventually, he asked for access to my online bank account to send me money to get him a few things. Claiming his "boss" needed this info to send the money. At that point I snapped and called him a liar and impostor. I told him, I don't know YOU nor your boss...where this money is coming from, nothing. I would be a fool to give you my info! He dropped the subject quickly and kept reaching out to me. Less and less of course. I told him that he could send me pics through Facebook, IG, email or one of the many vidchat apps that are trending. Of course, he didn't have a response to this. Eventually, I sent the real Mr. Cain messages on IG, FB and Twitter telling him that someone is impersonating him and I attached the pics the impostor sent me. This past weekend I was at Walmart. He asked what I was doing and I told him. He mentioned that dang card again. He said, I could have atleast bought his card while I was in there. Could $100 seriously break my savings? I played the damsel in distress and told him I don't make alot and have responsibilities. With teary-eyed emojis I asked, "Are you going to shame me for this?" Hahahaha. He became very sensitive and loving at that point. I grew bored the other day, I told him I was done playing this game. It was no longer entertaining and was becoming a waste of my time. He claimed that he was going to leave me to calm down and we could talk that night. Then he asked for my FB name and email address and that he was going to surprise me. I told him he should already have that because I sent him a message on "his" FB page and my Hangouts handle is clearly my email. That was yesterday and I haven't heard from him since.
August 06, 2019
I was following a fan page for Riverdale. Then the person told me I was a lucky winner, and I would help out a foundation I just have to send 2 100 dollar google cards. Then they gave me their phone nunber and told me they were Lili Reinhart and celebritys wouldn't give you their phone later blocked their number and messages.
August 13, 2019
Believe I’m getting scam right now.... the last two weeks with Phil Collins ... asking me to come and live with him after his concerts is over in the United States .He wants me to go ahead and buy a ticket to his concert. I told him I couldn’t afford what he wanted me to pay so then . he said what can you pay and I told him and he goes OK that’ll be fine .. keeps talking romantic to me it would be nice if this was real .
September 23, 2019

In reply to by t

Yea it would be so nice if it were real. I blocked the person scamming me and it's been a few weeks but I miss the messages I would receive about how nice I am and how he's thinking of me and missing me. It was so wonderful to be hearing these things every day. Is there a support group for this kind of thing? I feel I want to talk to someone about this experience.
August 14, 2019
Add Willie Nelson to that briefcase scam , this scam wants $8500.50 for delivery of a briefcase that supposedly contain $100,00. cash and property documents
Hippychick 60
March 20, 2020

In reply to by glh1950taf

My own sisterhas been getting scammed by someone claiming he is the real shemar moore and he has been using the story line about a briefcase had it has $150,000 dollars in it jewerly ,Docoments in it and that a guy from brinks stole Shemar moore money to get the briefcase back and that this scammer convinced her to send $180,000 total to pay the fees to customs to get the briefcase back and and this so called shemar name her the person to recieve it and she paid this person through paypal ,walmart giftcards , through different accounts and he is telling her he loves her and wants to marry her she actually got on a plane to come to California to meet up with him once she landed she got there and a course no one shows up and was left sitting in the airport all night until she finally got a ticket to go back home she actually divorced her husband thinking Shemar Moore was going to marry him and he even told her that a whole big lie about they are being investigated by the FBI and that he had to contact his lawyer because they were being charge for money.laundering and once again he ask her to send money because he need to post bail for them both and his money is tied up in properties and she sent him another $2500 last week she scammed money from her family telling them she need it to get divorced which was a big lie because she is disabled she didnt have to pay to get divorced and after all this she she believes she is going to marry Shemar moore you cant reason with her she has scammed friends ,family taking out loans the whole family has told her its not real but no what do we all know its sad she has destroyed her life over someone claiming to love her and marry her the real Shemar Moore does not want to marry her its all a fantasy these scumbags know how to groom you and make you believe them its just sicking crimmals
August 19, 2019
I have had 4, individuals contact me saying they are Vin on Facebook and hangouts. I want to asks them...Will the REAL Vin please show up!!
October 10, 2019

In reply to by KARESS

I was contacted by Vin through TicTok he offered me a job with fast and furious company. Got email from his manager asking me to pay 600$ for a employee ID I have not paid but this guy is good and very convincing.
November 26, 2019

In reply to by Rd690

Yes this guy asked me to pay $2k t oo be apart of his movie, ie Vin Diesel, when I called him out he called me, and he was Indian.
August 23, 2019
I have been contacted on Instagram by someone claiming to be Shemar Moore, then someone sent message saying they were Trevor Jackson from Grown ish. The story I got was that they have a personal Account while the one with the blue tag is controlled by management. The Shemar impersonator did ask for money which I refused and I was accused of being a bad fan lol I deleted and blocked them. The Trevor person is attempting to make some sort of relationship! It’s crazy! I wish we could tell who these people are. It’s really sad because as a fan it still reflects on the celebrity
April 25, 2020

In reply to by nowens

Looks like your Shemar Moore imposter is hitting me up now. Has tried to get me to go to Hangouts for several days now. Its good to know that my intuition screaming at me that the guy is not really baby boy is legit
August 26, 2019
I was contacted via Messanger by Someone with the official image of Bob Dylan after some messages the chat was switched in WhatsApp. After several days discrete conversation he wanted to Sand me a gift trough a big us courier company. For the expedition I had to pay money for some costoms stopd and taxes problems. I don't know if a packege really exist. The package should arrive in Italy.
August 28, 2019
I am reporting a lot of scammers using Vin Diesels name and also Jason Statham. They ask for iTune cards, cards to admit you to see them or give to a charity. They even want you to buy them an Apple Watch or iPad. All of these people are fakes and there are many of them. Beware.
August 27, 2019
I'm going through the same thing on Instagram someone claiming to be Matthew Gray Gubler from Criminal Minds then proceeded to contact me through Hangouts saying that if I wanted to meet him I had to wire $2800 even needed personal information for "management" what a load needless to say I haven't given info or sent money & don't plan on it either.
January 23, 2020

In reply to by CrazyMomma73

I had something similar just happen only he said he was taking time off to find a woman and date fans. He got pushy and got me to download hangout, it felt rushed and freaked me out. He got really annoyed when I wanted photo proof of him. Argued with me that I was being a bad fan and I should just believe him. Then after repeated talks about me being a bad fan told me to stop being a fan altogether. I blocked him on social media. Took photos of the conversation...Instagram and hangout. Not sure if I should report him or not.
August 30, 2019
Right now there are a lot of Chris Evans and Chris Pine imposters on Instagram... It's like a flood of "hey are you a fan of me?" over to "thank you for your comments and like, this is my private account".... And you can't even report the Chris Evans imposter to Instagram as he doesn't use anything else aside his official approved Twitter account.....
August 30, 2019
Jamie Foxx Scammer has a fake Ca ID with the actor Jamie Foxx picture on the identification he has this number wacth out 512 790-0843
October 23, 2019

In reply to by Willmous

I have a Tag Team (Scammers) claiming to be Jamie Foxx and his daughter Corrine Foxx on Hangouts. This situation is crazy, but criminal. This criminal activity needs to stop. It all started on INSTAGRAM, where there are numerous accounts pretending to be Jamie Foxx. I am coming off social media. Facebook and Twitter are full of romance scammers, and I left those platforms months ago. I really don't know how celebrities keep fans with the number of scammers out trying to RIP OFF FANS!!!