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Scammers may try to use you to move stolen money. If you help them, you could be what law enforcement calls a money mule.

Money mule scams happen several ways. The story often involves scams related to online dating, work-at-home jobs, or prizes. Scammers send money to you, sometimes by check, then ask you to send (some of) it to someone else. They often want you to use gift cards or wire transfers. Of course, they don’t tell you the money is stolen and they’re lying about the reason to send it. And there never was a relationship, job, or prize. Only a scam.

What happens next? If you deposit the scammer’s check, it may clear but then later turn out to be a fake check. The bank will want you to repay it. If you give the scammer your account information, they may misuse it. You could even get into legal trouble for helping a scammer move stolen money.

How can you avoid money mule scams?

  • Don’t accept a job that asks you to transfer money. They may tell you to send money to a “client” or “supplier.” Say no. You may be helping a scammer move stolen money.
  • Never send money to collect a prize. That’s always a scam, and they might be trying to get you to move stolen money.
  • Don’t send money back to an online love interest who’s sent you money. Also always a scam — and another a way to get you to move stolen money.

Criminals are good at making up reasons to help them move money. Don’t do it. The money may be from other people they scammed. You may be helping criminals hurt people just like you.

If you think you might be involved in a money mule or money transfer scam, stop transferring money. Notify your bank, the wire transfer service, or any gift card companies involved. Then, report it to the FTC at

Please share this information and the FTC’s new infographic, developed with the American Bankers Association Foundation. People may be embarrassed or afraid to talk about their experiences, but you can help. A simple phone call, email or text, saying “Look what I just found” may make a difference in someone’s life.


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The purpose of this blog and its comments section is to inform readers about Federal Trade Commission activity, and share information to help them avoid, report, and recover from fraud, scams, and bad business practices. Your thoughts, ideas, and concerns are welcome, and we encourage comments. But keep in mind, this is a moderated blog. We review all comments before they are posted, and we won’t post comments that don’t comply with our commenting policy. We expect commenters to treat each other and the blog writers with respect.

  • We won’t post off-topic comments, repeated identical comments, or comments that include sales pitches or promotions.
  • We won’t post comments that include vulgar messages, personal attacks by name, or offensive terms that target specific people or groups.
  • We won’t post threats, defamatory statements, or suggestions or encouragement of illegal activity.
  • We won’t post comments that include personal information, like Social Security numbers, account numbers, home addresses, and email addresses. To file a detailed report about a scam, go to

We don't edit comments to remove objectionable content, so please ensure that your comment contains none of the above. The comments posted on this blog become part of the public domain. To protect your privacy and the privacy of other people, please do not include personal information. Opinions in comments that appear in this blog belong to the individuals who expressed them. They do not belong to or represent views of the Federal Trade Commission.

Don't melpalat…
May 12, 2020
Just learned that I was scammed. I was dealing with someone that said they would pay me to have a Burger King decal put on my vehicle. He told me that I would get a check from them for almost $2700 and I get to keep $500, the rest would go to the installer of the decal. I went to deposit the check and my bank called me. They told me that it's a scam and I would end up with a negative balance and I would also get in trouble because I was involved with depositing a fake check and moving money around for the scammers. I am so disgusted with these heartless people who do this to those of us that need money right now. It's pathetic! So, be warned that there are scumbags out there who do not care about what they are doing to others during this pandemic.
May 18, 2020
I met a guy on social media. We talked for a few months. He started asking me for money and it kept going up. Promise to payback. Asked for me to buy him a suit, cellphone, and other things. Did not do. I did fall victim would ask me to send bitcoins and send money wire transfer. It was a mess dont do it. Almost got caught up lost money did not get back. Will not happen again. I have been a victim of overpayment and credit card fraud.
May 20, 2020
This guy didn't ask me for my bank details but he asked me to login to his bank account to help transfer his money to a money changer in Cyprus because he said that he is being quarantined and there is VPN restriction. Does this consider a scam too? When processing, he also receive authentication code and he sent it to me.
July 29, 2020

In reply to by Linn

I just had a guy that I've been talking to ask me to do the same. I am pretty sure it is a scam. of course I politely declined.
November 29, 2020

In reply to by Linn

Linn your situation sounds like mine. He is not asking me for anything with my bank, but had me complete a wire transfer for him and use the codes, one transfer went through and then the following day we tried another one to send to his lawyer and the bank blocked his account and he cant do anything until he returns to the states. He has asked me to set up a business and a business account so that his money from the company can be deposited into this account.
December 14, 2020

In reply to by Linn

What happened? I got the same request but didn’t do, he said he couldn’t transfer snd pay a bill because his internet was bad and he needed to me to complete the work or he would be stuck on Peru.
June 13, 2021

In reply to by Linn

It happened to me. Online romantic interest asked me to log on his bank account and transfer large sum of money to his business interest He was stuck in Mauritius with very bad internet connection. I did it but now I am nervous doing it again as he is putting a pressure on me. He offered me €10,000 as reward which I declined. I thought it would involve to give him my banking details. You can't be too careful. It may be a scam
July 01, 2021

In reply to by Linn

Hello, Linn, I am in the same situation. I was contacted by a person pretending to be Theo James. He sent me login info for his account and asked me to log in. I did and sent him a screen shot of the balance. He then asked me to transfer money. I refused. The conversation took a turn and I was to use my own money to transfer to an orphanage because of the 100 children suffering. He then sent me the bank info where I should transfer the money. I didnt. Please be careful of all these people out there trying to get you to unsuspectingly do things that are wrong.
May 20, 2020
We have been scammed out of millions, property, and such devastating circumstances. No one would help us. We have had a hard time getting anything because of these scammers trying to hustle me. We have suffered health and heart problems.
May 20, 2020
I fell victim to this scam for about a week & was receiving wire transfers & Zelle transfers from a scammer. I was very naive & thought it was legit at 1st & then knew it was to good to be true. What kina of legal trouble could be coming to me in the future?
June 11, 2020

In reply to by omar2020

Same thing happened to me only I only did it one day. Im nervous about what legal trouble I could get into. Any updates on what happened to you?
June 11, 2020

In reply to by omar2020

Any updates on what happened? Did you file a complaint? Im in the same position.
July 11, 2020

In reply to by omar2020

Were you able to resolve this issue ? if so ,how ? Update please. There are a lot of people victimized of this same scam.
May 22, 2020
If I’m a victim of money mule and I was unaware but I also know this person will I be able to just give FTC all the information and details and so that they get in trouble instead of me because I had no idea. Someone please help. Also if I give yo information about the person will the person me notified that it was me ?
FTC Staff
June 12, 2020

In reply to by Anonymous

You can report to the FTC at You can choose how much information to give about yourself. You don't have to give your name or any personal information when you report. The information you give will go into a secure database that the FTC and other law enforcement agencies use for investigations.

June 05, 2020
How can i be notified of new commentes please ? Thank you.
June 06, 2020
My daughter has been got $6000 just happened and took the bank a few weeks to call her now what do we do with this mess anyone know
June 12, 2020
I got a check for $1970.00 via FedEx from a "mr Harde" with the fair trade organization. For a house cleaning job in a town and address that was going to be told to me after i deposited the check into my account and it cleared then i was to text them back for more information. But I was supposed to keep $550.00 and pay the "painter" 1400.00. Give me a break.
June 16, 2020
I was just used as a money mule and didn’t know it! Sent, wired the money to different people, I don’t want to go to jail
June 18, 2020
I received a check with a letter saying it was a research company wanting me to secerate shop a couple of stores and buy AmericanExpress, or Vanilla gift cards. They sent me $2475 check wanted me to buy $2000 worth of of gift cards for a $400 payment and $75 for gas. Found it very fishy since I never spoke to anyone from this company and payment was so high for what they want you to do. After you buy the cards they want you to take a clear picture of the front and back of each card. Answer about 7 questions and then text or email them the infor.ation.
June 21, 2020
Just a question about it if it was to go through the cash app would it also be a scam
June 29, 2020
I know someone who met someone on a dating site claiming he is in the military..he has been sending her money via bitcoin's like thousands of dollars but he never flies to see her...she has never met this this a scam?
July 07, 2020
I had no clue about these scams until today. My teenage daughter was manipulated by an older man by the name of Bryan Moore. He coerced her into giving her bank account info and asked her to buy bitcoins. He deposited over 9,000 into her account. She did one transaction and after that she was uncomfortable about it. She told him she wanted to return the money. She tried returning the money via zelle. When I checked her email she had different people adding her to zelle. Her bank saw the activity and flagged it for fraudulent activity. We've contacted the bank, closed her bank account, filed a complaint with the FTC and filed a complaint with the FBI. It makes me so angry there are people out there manipulating young naive teenagers. Please be aware, and talk to your teens about this so they don't fall victim.
July 22, 2020
I think I was used for a money mule can u help me
July 24, 2020
This is what I needed. Now I know how to avoid a job posting online when an employer say you're hired but asks from the start your bank name and account information to transfer [stolen] money to your account to give to someone else. This solidifies that the job that I recently, supposedly got accepted to, is a scam and I thank God through my family and a person with experience, I was able to take the necessary steps to get out of the scam.
July 29, 2020
Hi there I was used to transfer funds to other accounts now my bank account has been locked I have found out it's a scam via the bank Will I get into trouble as I was unaware it was a scam?
Canadian chick eh ?
August 09, 2020
Wel I fell for a scam on whisper it was a sugar daddy one , had 1000.00 for my dad but was later drained . I downloaded telegram to find out it’s a fake job offer because they send me money but because they were counterfeit , it is on hold for more then two months , it’s crazy how some people don’t have a care in the world besides themselves . I’m now educating myself on scams because it sucks to go go hungry and the first I realized it was a scam after he mentioned “ gift cards “ and said to me how 2500.00 goes to you but then I get that much and that didn’t seem right . Both of them have asked for email and password , I finally gave in when I asked why can’t you do etranfer ? They said we need to see what you do with it , it most definitely felt too good to be true . I got a new card and password but still waiting ........
August 10, 2020
I fell for this and the check was fake and now I owe $2700 to my bank. Does anybody know how to fix this. I don’t have that kind of money :(
August 12, 2020
I don’t really get calls for prize money or transferring but recently I’ve got a email from someone affiliated with the United Arab Emirates but it seems legit I’m talking about 5 paragraphs explaining the reason on what happened how the funds became available such and such but what was odd on like most scams that want you to leave information and they leave no information back well they left a P.O Box and Fax numbers also a contact email and was left a name and I searched the address and comes back to Shell Gasoline in Dubai
August 23, 2020
There is someone I encountered that I thought just wanted to make friends. She almost get my attention. But when she was asking me for help to take care her money, I became curious and suspicious. How come she will entrust a big amount of money and documents to me. May be you can check this person. She introduced herself working in a shipping company, Bolton Shipping Company, a US Marine, a being attacked in the sea by somalian pirates and personnel were killed and wounded. So afraid of her money to be stolen, she asked for help to secure her money. But I refused to get involved. Because I know that there other ways that she could do to secure her own money. Check her FB Linda Betty
August 23, 2020
A big thanks to FTS. Once I have asked to secure big money by other person who I just knew in facebook. Immediately research about scam of entrusting money to person. And this site was the first pop in the search result.. And now I know what to for before anything will get worse.
August 23, 2020
I’m going though a very similar situation I was told I’d have to pay back the money and that I’m not a victim because I gave the scammer my information I’m really scared that I’m going to be in legal trouble. This whole situation is making me sick to my stomach. What do I do I need help
August 26, 2020
I am an intelligent woman, however, I was scammed! Vehicle wrap advertising. Initially, I deposited the check and waited. Didn't wait long enough though because I now owe my bank $800. Since then I have received 6 checks, 5 for the same scam, vehicle wrap advertising and now for mystery shopping. I am appalled that so many people are involved in these scams and that as a consumer I have no rights or protection against them.
August 30, 2020
I received a lead from a friend from a person who wanted to purchase products from me. I emailed the lead to introduce myself. The person stated that she was blind and did not use credit cards and asked for my address to send a check to pay for the products. Two days later I received a very distraught email from her stating that her daughter sent too much money and her son had an accident and she asked that once I received the check, and it cleared, she wanted me to keep the money for the products plus $20.00 for my trouble and return the rest. She asked that I email her after the check cleared for instructions to return the overage. I received the check via Fed-ex for $1300.00 which is $900.00 more that the products she wanted to order. Needless to say, I now realize this is a scam but I’m concerned that she has my address, phone number and email address.
September 02, 2020
Not sure what to do. Scammer sent cash money to me. Do I keep it. This scammer name is Terry Tunis. Suppose to be in the army station in the UAE. He wants me to buy gift cards with it.
October 16, 2020

In reply to by Snowman

He sent you cash to buy gift cards? I don't know how that works but look him up and see if this guy is legit. A lot of scammers claim to work on oil rigs or in the armed forces so they can explain why they can't meet up with you
October 16, 2020
My client send me check and How i know he was scammer and i deposit it on my bank there say take 2 days what should i do now please help me.
September 23, 2020
I think my 72 year old aunt is being money muled she won't listen to me, how to i myself go about having her bank look into this? Iam not even sure where to start. She thinks this man is her fiancé and they will get married the whole thing to me is fishy. He sends money to her account then she takes it out and she sends it to a different person via postal money order or something like that.
September 24, 2020
I met this person online we have talked for awhile. He sent his logins to me to his bank and said help me transfer money to the hotel for a reservation. Well I have never heard of this before, when you book a room at hotel you have a reservation. I denied this request. I think this is a scam, why would someone allow a stranger in their bank account, why would he ask me to transfer the money when is capable? This is strange and I refused to do it. Something smells here. please advise?
October 02, 2020

In reply to by victimAA

Almost same story for me except that I’m asked to transfer to a “supplier” cause he is a businessman
September 29, 2020
I know of people who participated in the scam and I spent the money on cars and Furniture Etc
October 02, 2020
I met someone online. Said he is a businessman, US citizen living in S Korea and Chinese descent. Then he said he was awarded a 3-week project in turkey. On his first week, he said he cant access his US bank account and said it might be because he is in turkey. He gave his bank account details so i can log in for him. First day he asked me if the payment has been credited to his account. I said no. Then 2nd day he asked me to log in again. There is already credit and he knew the amount. Then he asked me if i can send some amount to his supplier so he can pay his supplier. I declined. Is this an attempted scam?
November 01, 2020

In reply to by

Yes It is a fraudulent attempt that is using someone else's information
October 16, 2020
Help me my money is scammed.
Mama L
October 21, 2020
I keep getting emails offering loans that I never applied for., many in the last few days. Today, I got 7 emails from different “companies” offering loans. I sent them to Junk file because emails don’t have Spam files any more.
Bronx babe
November 19, 2020
Was scammed by a guy named Jack Markle. Was on a rig in Ireland. Any one know that name?
December 21, 2020
Yup. I’ve been searching for work from home jobs because I’m immunocompromised and my last job was seasonal. I applied for a couple administrative assistant positions and was offered 2. Everything seemed legit at first, until I was wired $4800 and then asked to use some of that money to buy gift cards to use as payment for an “antique item they bid on”. Since it’s around the holidays, I didn’t think much at first. Bought two $500 Apple gift cards and sent the information. As soon as I hit send, I knew it was wrong. I’ve contacted my bank and reported the one person to the FTC (the other “employer” is supposed to be mailing me a check so, waiting to get his info to report him) but I’m screwed financially. I had nothing in my account before this and now I’m going to end up owing even more. 2020, am I right? Lol
December 23, 2020
I know when someone asks to send you money and have you send it back, however someone I had been talking to offered to send me money bc I was in a tough spot. After the check deposited some of the money (the bank is still holding some of the money) she asked for some of the money back and that immediately raised flags for me. I never sent any of the money back and it’s still sitting in my account. What do I do? I know that’s a common scam but I didn’t know they would be asking for some back until after it deposited.