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Consumer Alert

Are the apps your children use illegally marketing to them?

Jim Kreidler
Kids love to play video games — in apps, on mobile devices and online with friends. And when kids play games, it is unlawful to collect their personal information without parental consent. According
Consumer Alert

Is a scammer getting unemployment benefits in your name?

Seena Gressin
In a large-scale scam erupting in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, imposters are filing claims for unemployment benefits, using the names and personal information of people who have not filed
Consumer Alert

Hurricane season 2020 and COVID-19

Colleen Tressler
June 1 is the official start of hurricane season, and now is a great time to make a plan to deal with weather emergencies. Especially because this year, we have the added concern of the COVID-19
Consumer Alert

If you bought ReJuvenation, you can get a refund

Ari Lazarus
A few months ago, we wrote about a settlement with the makers of ReJuvenation, the so-called anti-aging wonder pill. If you bought this product, we have some good news: you can get a refund. The FTC
Consumer Alert

How to avoid COVID-19 government imposter scams

Lois Greisman, Associate Director, Division of Marketing Practices, FTC
Many of us are paying close attention to the guidance from federal, state, and local governments during this COVID-19 health emergency. Unfortunately, scammers are also paying attention. Some are even
Consumer Alert

What to know about the Economic Impact Payment debit cards

Cristina Miranda
If you’re still waiting for your Economic Impact Payments, you might be getting a debit card instead of a check in the mail. This, of course, is the money that’s meant to give relief due to the
Consumer Alert

NYC car dealer accused of discriminatory lending

Ari Lazarus
The law is clear: it’s illegal for someone who lends money to charge people higher interest rates and fees based on their race. According to an FTC case announced today , a car dealer in the Bronx did
Consumer Alert

COVID-19 scams targeting college students

Ari Lazarus
Hey college students: even though you’re likely far from campus, scammers are still trying to find you. Maybe you or your friends have gotten an email claiming to be from the “Financial Department” of
Consumer Alert

Paying, and paying, and paying payday loans

Lisa Lake
If you don’t have the cash or credit to cover a financial emergency, you might be thinking about getting a payday loan . But some payday lenders are not honest about how they collect on those loans
Consumer Alert

This “game” is a chain letter scam

Seena Gressin
Are you tempted to play “The Circle Game,” join a “Blessing Loom,” or jump on a “Money Board”? These are some of the names for an online scam that’s making the rounds at a time when millions of people
Consumer Alert

Military Data Spotlight: Identity theft and servicemembers

Emma Fletcher
Every year, thousands of servicemembers report to us about their consumer experiences. Those reports are the focus of the FTC’s Data Spotlight, Identity theft causing outsized harm to our troops
Consumer Alert

Finding a furry friend in the era of COVID-19

Namukolo Kasumpa
If you’ve been thinking about adding a pet to your family, now may be a good time. In addition to pets offering unconditional love, companionship, and amusement, studies have shown that the bond
Consumer Alert

COVID-19 contact tracing text message scams

Colleen Tressler
You’ve probably been hearing a lot about contact tracing . It’s the process of identifying people who have come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, instructing them to
Consumer Alert International scam fighter

Lisa Lake
No; this isn’t an action movie. But new enhancements to — and a new interactive international dashboard for Consumer Sentinel reports — give the FTC, other government agencies, and
Consumer Alert

“No risk” publications shouldn’t cost money

Rosario Méndez
Some dishonest companies lie when they say that a product is “no risk.” That’s what the FTC says Progressive Business Publications, a business publication company, did. They had telemarketers call
Consumer Alert

Fighting Coronavirus scams: taking stock

Andrew Smith
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, the FTC has released dozens of warning letters against people trying to make an illegal buck off the Coronavirus. More than a month in, it seem s like a
Consumer Alert

FTC warns 45 more sellers of scam Coronavirus treatments

Colleen Tressler
Every day we are reading about researchers studying potential ways to prevent, treat or cure COVID-19. However, at this time there certainly are no products you can buy online, or services you can get
Consumer Alert

Make your Coronavirus donations count

Rosario Méndez
The Coronavirus crisis has brought out the best and worst of human nature. The best: charities across the country are stepping up and many people are donating what they can. The worst: opportunistic