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Consumer Alert

COVID-19 ruined my travel plans. Now what?

Namukolo Kasumpa
If COVID-19 canceled your travel plans, you are likely disappointed and wondering about refunds, credits, or vouchers for plane tickets, cruise bookings, tours, and more. Even if your scheduled travel
Consumer Alert

Scammers offer facemasks but don’t deliver

Bridget Small
If there’s a high demand online for health and safety items, like facemasks and paper products, guess what scammers pretend to sell? That’s right: health and safety items, like facemasks and paper
Consumer Alert

Not every COVID-19 testing site is legit

Ari Lazarus
You probably know that COVID-19 tests are in short supply. But did you know there’s no shortage of scammers setting up fake COVID-19 testing sites to cash in on the crisis? The fake sites can look
Consumer Alert

Scam emails demand Bitcoin, threaten blackmail

Bridget Small
The FTC uses the information it gets from people who report scams to keep close watch on trends, so we can alert you to changes. Here’s one: reports of Bitcoin blackmail scams have taken a big jump in
Consumer Alert

New funding for Coronavirus SBA loans attracts scammers

Rosario Méndez
If you’re a business owner, you may be planning to apply for a loan through the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) or Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) program. These programs recently got
Consumer Alert

CBD, COVID-19 and cancer: The unfounded facts

Lisa Lake
The COVID-19 pandemic creates the perfect storm of hopes and fears that dishonest business try to exploit with fake promises of protection and healing. But when these promises are not backed by
Consumer Alert

Don’t click links in unsolicited text messages

Rosario Méndez
You might be seeing text messages promising money – maybe the economic impact payments, loans for small businesses, or an offer for money you can get. In fact, I recently saw a WhatsApp text message
Consumer Alert

FTC sends COVID-related warnings to MLM companies

Seena Gressin
A business opportunity that promises you can work from home, earn lots of money, and enjoy a lavish lifestyle? Sounds tempting, particularly now, when so many people are out of work because of the
Consumer Alert

Economic impact payments for U.S. citizens abroad

Seena Gressin
Are you a United States citizen living abroad? For millions of expatriates, help from home is on the way in the form of COVID-19 economic impact payments. Unfortunately, scammers also are on the way
Consumer Alert

The FTC’s Highlights of 2019

Carol Kando-Pineda
We’re all facing unprecedented challenges now – and the FTC has been hard at work on the trail of many Coronavirus-related scams that are harming consumers. But the rest of the Commission’s work
Consumer Alert

What you should know about payday loans and car title loans

Alvaro Puig
If the Coronavirus pandemic is causing you financial stress, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans have lost all or part of their income because they can’t work. Economic impact payments from the
Consumer Alert

Dealing with debt collectors during the pandemic

Seena Gressin
Job losses have traveled hand-in-hand with the Coronavirus. If you’re having trouble paying your bills, you’re not alone. Here are a few things to keep in mind if a debt collector calls. Consider
Consumer Alert

Managing your bills during COVID-19

Ari Lazarus
COVID-19 has thrown the economy into a tailspin. Many people have been laid off, furloughed, or are working fewer hours. And as wages dry up, bills can pile up. Debt can be tricky – especially when
Consumer Alert

FTC: Fashion Nova failed to deliver the goods

Colleen Tressler
In normal times, there’s nothing like finding the perfect outfit for a special event. But if you’re like some Fashion Nova customers, excitement turned to disappointment when your merchandise shipped
Consumer Alert

Coronavirus stimulus payment scams: What you need to know

Alvaro Puig
We know there’s been a flood of information and updates about the government’s economic impact payments, or so-called stimulus checks, lately. But quickly and safely moving massive amounts of money
Consumer Alert

How much for that sofa? Read the fine print.

Lisa Lake
If you need furniture or appliances but don’t have the cash to buy them outright, you might be thinking about other payment options. If you do, pay attention to terms written in fine print that might
Consumer Alert

Alert for small business owners needing PPP loans

Rosario Méndez
This is an alert for small business owners who are looking to apply for the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) loans offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration (“SBA”). The loans help
Consumer Alert

Stay safe while video conferencing

Rosario Méndez
Have you been video conferencing in these days of social distancing? It’s pretty cool to see several people at once on the screen and be able to have a conversation as if everyone was in the same room