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Are you a United States citizen living abroad? For millions of expatriates, help from home is on the way in the form of COVID-19 economic impact payments. Unfortunately, scammers also are on the way, and they’re eager to pluck the payment from your pocket.

Depending on your income, U.S. expatriates can get up to $1,200 each, or up to $2,400 for couples, plus $500 for each qualifying child, just as you would if living stateside. And, most people don’t need to do anything to get their payments. The IRS will deposit your payment directly to your U.S. bank account (the IRS can’t direct deposit money to a foreign account), or mail your payment using information from your 2018 or 2019 tax return or from your Social Security retirement or other federal benefits program.

If you haven’t filed a federal tax return for 2018 or 2019 and don’t get any federal benefits, you may have to give the IRS sensitive information, including your Social Security number and bank account number (if you have one), to get your payment.

Scammers will try to take advantage of this to try to steal your money, your personal information, or both. So, to help avoid scammers, use only and the tools there to submit sensitive information to the IRS. Use the IRS’s guide to figure out which IRS tool to use. And, visit the IRS’s Economic Impact Payment Center for answers to common questions. Consider talking with a tax professional if your tax filing situation is complex.

With economic impact money flowing in, and many people confused about the distribution process, this is a time to stay on high alert for scammers. Here are some things that ONLY scammers will do:

  • Call, email, or text you to ask for, or “verify,” your personal or financial information. The IRS won’t contact you by phone, email, text, or social media about your payment.
  • Ask you to pay a transfer or other fee to get your stimulus money. There are no fees.
  • Send you a very real-looking check for more than you’re expecting, then tell you to deposit it, take your proper payment, and return the “overpayment” by sending cash, gift cards, or money transfers. A bank may be fooled and cash the check, but when it turns out to be fraudulent – which it will – you will owe the bank any money that you withdrew.

Learn more about avoiding economic impact payment scams here. And, if you spot a scam, please tell us about it at

June 23, 2020
I live in Mexico City Mexico I do get social security to my bank account here When will I get my stimulus check and how
June 25, 2020
My 83 year pld Aunt has not yet received her stilmulus as of today, Jun 25. She is social security pensioner, single, with a PO Box in Maryland and regularly receives her monthly pension through a bank in the Philippines where she stays right now. According to the bank, a lot pf their pensioners have received stimulus payment since May. The “Get My Payment” tool says “Payment Status Not Available”. We called IRS in the US, and was given generic info by an agent. We FEAR she has been LEFT OUT. What to do?
Dhdaon't use y…
June 28, 2020

In reply to by Prosperity

It was send to her address in Maryland in that is the address the social security have in her file
June 25, 2020
My husband and I received our stimulus Check, but we can't do anything with it because German banks won't accept non-euro checks. My husband receives his Social Security payments per direct deposit into a German bank account. Is there a way to have the stimulus money direct deposited like the Social Security payments into our German bank account? Would we need to write to the IRS to make a request?
June 25, 2020
June 26th and still waiting. I am retired, living in Australia and receiving US social security via Citibank Euro Federal Reserve which then transfers directly into my account here (religiously every month). My 2019 SSA 1099 was received last July and the report filled in and returned at that time (July 7th 2019). My yearly benefit statement my address, etc was current on it. Checking everything you've posted there is no reason for me not to get my payment and it indicates you will be depositing it with the same information used for my SS payment,. I check my bank account daily and have seen nothing there and nothing in the mail (which is very reliable here). I have gone to My Payment and not getting any access or any information. I have yet to get any info on the status of my payment ...What is happening?
June 26, 2020
we live in Australia hubby pays US federal taxes and gets SS each month, we have a us bank account but the irs won't put our refunds in the bank they alwys send a check...not sure if we even qualify as I have an itin number...any info would be great...apparently they sent my itin number to me beginning march and still haven't got it in the how do we find out if we qualify or not
June 26, 2020
My wife and I received our Stimulus Check but we can't make any use of it as we do not have a joint US bank account with both our names on it. The banks won't accept a deposit to an account with only one of the names printed on the stimulus check. We cannot open a new (joint) account in a US bank as we now live in Australia. So I tried to call the Impact Payment customer service to request to change the Payment Method from paper check to direct deposit or even a debit card. Simple thing, right? Just cancel the check and send money in alternative way. NO! it is apparently IMPOSSIBLE because they... already sent the check! The customer service are useless - all they do is search and read back to me the content IRS website FAQs. I would expect them to provide support my taking *actions* rather than providing publicly available *information*.
June 26, 2020
Hi! I am a u.s citizen and had to give birth abroad because of the virus. I already claimed my 1,200 but i was wondering if i can claim payment for my newborn that is almost 2 months
June 29, 2020
Hi, my son (15) is an American citizen living with me (his mum, German) in England. Does he qualify for the economic stimulus payment and if yes, how do I apply on his behalf?
June 29, 2020
People I think we are being scammed by the IRS. I filled a non filer and it was rejected and not filled. I am on social security and live in Mexico. I only made $11604 dollars last year. I usually get direct deposit by treasury to my Mexican bank. No one is answering or wanted to help one inch. I need the money and I do beleive we are being scammed by the IRS. I can't us the GET MY Payment tool because it does not work outside the US. Come on someone prove me wrong.
June 30, 2020
I too am an American citizen living in Australia, and a Social Security recipient. Like others here,my SS is directly deposited to my Australian bank via Citibank UK. I understand that this simple transfer arrangement cannot be completed by the IRS. Go figure that bit about the IRS not being able to deposit in a foreign bank. Citibank is the US government's agent, for goodsake. BUT neither have I received anything in our reliable Australian mail, no check ,no debit card, and no back-up letter saying that payment has been made. There is no recourse through the two IRS portals, as we in Oz know. So what next, fellow Yanks in Oz? What can done???
July 01, 2020
Just rec'd check today. EIP site said check was mailed May 1st and I rec'd letter (notice 1444) about a month ago. I was just about to try to call to cancel the check as 9 weeks had passed (as per new instructions on site) and the original information had stated that checks should arrive first and 2-3 weeks later the 1444 letter. Does anyone know if I can deposit the check into my Spanish bank account? Good luck to everyone who's still waiting. My advice is to be a bit more patient.
July 01, 2020
Hello I am an American citizen that receives SS retirement payments directly deposited to my local bank in the Dominican republic. I noticed that I had not received the stimulus payment as of 6/30/20. After some investigating I found out that the IRS does not make direct deposit to foreign banks and that is the reason why I have not received the EIP. This information is very crucial for senior citizens living overseas who were waiting for the payment to be directly deposited. There are many of us who need to know this. It has taken me about 3 weeks to investigate this situation and find out what other steps I needed to take to remedy this situation. Please inform others about this on your SSA and IRS web pages. Thank you
Danny M.
July 02, 2020
Hello , I live in Europe as a retired US Citizen , getting my SSI benefits monthly by direct deposit in to a foreign bank account , I'm not required to file taxes , my income statement SSA form 1099 shows $3800 for last year 2019 , still I didn't get my $ 1200 Stimulus payment , I've called the IRS and they told me to wait , since the IRS don't send Stimulus payments in foreign bank acc. , what can I do ? I feel bad , have Diabetis , marginalized by this IRS , you can't have rights anymore when you move out of US ? I hoppe someone else in the same situation will give me a good advise , thank you , and God Bless America ! and the IRS ...........
July 02, 2020
I live in the Netherlands and have recently received the economic impact payment in the form of a cheque, (no bank account in the US). Nonetheless, dutch banks (or at least mine) do not accept cheques, at all. Any tips on how to proceed? Thanks in advance.
Dolores Delfino
July 02, 2020
I am on US SS Disability and my status still shows as not available. Considering it's JULY, I would have thought we'd at least know what the hold-up is. I am living in the UK don't work, or file tax returns because I don't work.
July 05, 2020
"GetMy" just says can't give results. "NON-FILER" will NOT work without an ABA bank account number. Philippines banks DO NOT have such a number. Can't use the posted IRS 800 number from outside the USA. How to complain by EMAIL?
July 06, 2020
Hi! I received a check for 1200 usd economic impact payment. However, Dutch banks do not accept checks anymore. What other way is there to cash the amount?
July 07, 2020
Hi! I received a check for 1200 usd economic impact payment. However, Dutch banks do not accept checks anymore. What other way is there to cash the amount?
July 08, 2020
I live in Japan, have received my stimulus check, but am having great difficulty doing anything with it. Japanese banks will not accept it. The banks of my family members do not accept third-party checks. Various check cashing apps do not seem to be accessible oversees, ditto for paypal. As for receiving a bank-transfer, the American government will not pay into foreign accounts, I no longer have an American bank account, and have not been able to open one from abroad either. I feel very much stuck and would be very grateful if anyone has a suggestion.
July 09, 2020
Hello, I still haven´t had an answer of the status of my payment. I live abroad and I want to know if I will get my payment sent to my foreign address. thank you in advanced.
July 09, 2020
no payments received in Thailand yet. seems like should have received by now. must be sent EMS with tracking or will not be delivered. guess it was not.
July 10, 2020
I live in the province Utrecht, The Netherlands. The "Get My Payment" tool still says it is scheduled to send my payment as of May 1st. So far nothing. Calling the Impact payment line was not successful. I can't afford to wait the line for 1.5 hours. Any tips? This seems very diffiuclt for us expats to claim our Stimulus checks. Thanks in advance.
July 11, 2020
I live in Japan. I receive letter (Notice 1444) on May27th. But I have not received EIP check yet. EIP site said check was mailed May 1st. How long should I wait to receive EIP check?
July 14, 2020
How long does it take IRS stimulus check to reach overseas, receive a letter of confirmation last week that it was posted 5 June to foreign address but still no check
August 02, 2020
I can't use the non-filers tool, as I get my Disability leather, my payee gets it) through Direct Deposit at Allied Irish Bank, and the firm is set up for US bank accounts only. I can't reach the IRS. They have my financial information; they send me 1099s every year, so why haven't I received my check, or any word about it? Am I going to?
DGildaon't use…
August 06, 2020
I just got my EIP cheque in the UK, where I have lived since 1971. I'm retired, receiving SSID, and never even applied for this. So hang in there; maybe they're just backed up. Good luck.
August 07, 2020
Hi, My husband and I received the stimulus check addressed to the both of us. Here, Sweden, they no longer handle checks. The embassy told us it needed to be deposited in a US bank account. We do not have a joint account in the US. Spoke to the bank yesterday, he would need to present himself in person with ID to be able to open one. We cannot travel to the US due to COVID restrictions. Is it possible to have this check cancelled and that cards be sent to us. It would take care of the problem. How do we go about doing that? Thank you
Expat in Sweden
August 07, 2020

In reply to by Jacqueline

I am also in Sweden and received a paper stimulus check that I cannot deposit. Because I am not physically in the US I cannot use PayPal's check cashing feature. The credit union in the US I kept an account with closed it in January so I have no American bank account. How are those of us who live abroad supposed to get this money? Other countries banks won't accept the check, and banks in the US don't want our business because we don't have an address in the US and that causes them to apparently have to submit all kinds of paperwork or be fined by the government. We can't put in our foreign bank information for direct deposit, and we apparently cannot request the payment be sent as a debit card either. So how do we get this money?
Economic Payment
August 14, 2020
The banks in 2 countries will not cash or deposit the Economic Impact Payment - please tell us what to do, I see that many people are in my condition.
August 14, 2020
I live in Norway and received a check, but no bank or other financial institution will cash or deposit it. Seriously, does the US government not understand this?
E Corpus
August 17, 2020
I am in Philippines, I received my stimulus check after 3 months via mail. When I fill out, I did not fill out the cel no. since it's not US no. Just my address is fine. Direct deposit out US does not work. My problem now is local banks don't want to accept when I deposit the US Treasury ck. I have to find other way to cash it. Any suggestions.
August 18, 2020
I live Berlin, Germany. I received an economic impact payment as a check. The payment should have been sent to my Bank account through Social Security because I receive a monthly American pension. No bank in Germany will process the check-not even the bank through which I receive my pension. So I have a check that I can not deposit and can find no information how to solve this problem
August 20, 2020
Are there any reqirements for the person who will receive the economic stimulus payment to have spent a certain amount of time in the United States during 2019 to be eligible? Thank You for taking my question.
August 21, 2020
My fiance lives in Mongolia, she qualified for the stimulus check and already filed her taxes as she worked in US from may to sep 2019, she got her direct deposit from the taxes but never got the stimulus check money they said it was mailed to the last location she used to live but theres no way because the address doesnt recieve mail so she has no access to get it. What can be done?
August 26, 2020
I'm an US Citizen living in Italy my husband and I recieve our social sercurity check automaticlly into our post office account bankomat,the other day we recieved the Economic Impact Payment but the account we have at the post office won't cash or make us deposit into our account, because the check is written in dollars and not written in euro our europien exchange,they said reciving a notifica from home office saying they can change them anymore. Please Advise me! Thank you
August 29, 2020
My wife and I are not American citizens but I have 2 children who are and we do not live in the state s. Are we entitled for economic payments impact supported by the government to aid the children.
September 02, 2020
Hello. I live in Greece and I am I US citizen. I completed the non-filers form, it says that it was approved, so all is well. But when I try putting my bank info because its a bank from Greece it doesn't accept the routing number or bank account. And I just went to the tool to see what is happening with my payment and it says that it is going to be sent to my address (which is the address I used to live in US, because it didnt let me add a greek one). How am I supposed to get the payment?
September 27, 2020
I am a US citizen living in Australia. My bank cannot cash my Economic Impact Payment. I have tried unsuccessfully to find anything concerning this problem on the net and The US Australian Embassy in Canberra just gave me the run-a-round. I tried the IRS phone number , no success there also. I will greatly appreciate it if any one can offer any assistance
October 03, 2020

In reply to by Don

At least you've gotten it. A friend of mine thinks they're going out in alphabetical order, my last name starts with W, and two people I know got it are A and K. It's ludicrous that they wouldn't just deposit it like SS does!
September 29, 2020
Hi. My girlfriend now lives here in the U.K. (since Jan 2020) and is unable to receive unemployment benefits here in the U.K. and has been told that she is unable to receive unemployment benefits from the US also, is this true? Many thanks.
October 05, 2020
How do I file a complaint about the IRS not sending my check yet with the FTC? This has gone beyond ridiculous!
October 10, 2020
NO bank In Europe will cash or deposit U.S treasury checks( stimulus,etc)! It is absolutely infuriating and frustrating! Me and my mother both recieved stimulus checks! She is retired and gets her SSI directly deposited into her foreign bank account! Why can't the IRS do the same. These checks were supposed to help Americans( including expats) but instead it has turned into one gigantic headache!!!
October 13, 2020
I'm leaving overseas can I give IRS my foreign address though my stimulus payments are coming to my US account.
October 22, 2020
Please, help! What banks in Europe/online can cash the US stimulus check? I and all these people are stuck overseas and cannot use the checks! My family is in a desperate situation with rent and the coronavirus restriction and for the past weeks we are searching day and night how to cash the check. Is it really hopeless?
October 30, 2020
That is outrageouse! I am a citizen lliving in Russia. I have received Economic Impact Stimulous Payment check, which cannot be cashed in Russia nor in any neighboring countries. If I go to the US, I could cash it their for a small fee, but the payment itself won't cover a return ticket. The Enbassy in Moscow did not want to help me, nor the Embassy in Warsaw, Poland. Neithger IRS wanted to deal with me. Why did they send me that check? To mock me? I am very indignant!
Peter Fitzgerald
November 14, 2020
When is last date to apply for federal cheque
November 23, 2020
We live in the UK. My husband received his $1,200 Economic Impact Payment over a week ago and I have not received mine. We do not have US bank accounts. I assume my check is either missing or stolen. How and who do I contact to chase this up?
November 23, 2020
I'm an expat. When I filed taxes in 2019, the form could not hold my full address, so any check sent to me will be undeliverable. I realized this 4 months ago and sent a change of address to the IRS at that time. How long will it take for the IRS to see the update to my address and send me the EIP? Many thanks.
December 06, 2020
I got my check mailed but I live in Mexico, the bank I use here said that they cannot cash my check, I wanted to know, how can I cash my check if I live in Mexico?