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Scammers are calling people and using the names of two companies everyone knows, Apple and Amazon, to rip people off. Here’s what you need to know about these calls.

In one version of the scam, you get a call and a recorded message that says it’s Amazon. The message says there’s something wrong with your account. It could be a suspicious purchase, a lost package, or an order they can’t fulfill.

In another twist on the scam, you get a recorded message that says there’s been suspicious activity in your Apple iCloud account. In fact, they say your account may have been breached.

In both scenarios, the scammers say you can conveniently press 1 to speak with someone (how nice of them!). Or they give you a phone number to call. Don’t do either. It’s a scam. They’re trying to steal your personal information, like your account password or your credit card number.

If you get an unexpected call or message about a problem with any of your accounts, hang up.

  • Do not press 1 to speak with customer support
  • Do not call a phone number they gave you
  • Do not give out your personal information

If you think there may actually be a problem with one of your accounts, contact the company using a phone number or website you know is real.

Read our article to learn how to block unwanted calls on a mobile phone or on your home phone. And if you do get a call you think is a scam, report it at

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Our Anatomy of an Imposter Scam blog series breaks down how to recognize, avoid, and report business and government imposter scams.

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March 27, 2021
I got 13 phone calls in a 70 minute span last night. All of them were from different numbers! I was reading to shut the phone off but they still called and left me messages!!!
March 27, 2021
42 calls in the past 3 hours that say an unauthorized charge on my Amazon account for $700. They’re calling from different number so I can’t block them.
March 29, 2021
I have just had three calls this morning saying there was suspicious activity on my iCloud account. They claim to be from Apple support, but of course they aren’t. Each call was from a separate local cell number giving me a call back number of 315-232-8257. I wish there was a way the phone company could block these people from pirating private numbers.
March 29, 2021
7 calls in 3 hours. All different numbers. All the exact same voicemail. I’m going crazy!
March 29, 2021
What happens if I press 1?
March 30, 2021
I have been getting Amazon calls for over a week now at least 30 calls a day - so is my husband. How can we stop this? I have blocked every number they have called from and they just keep coming . I am also on the do not call list for both phones.
March 30, 2021
I got three calls that said they were going to take $39 out of my account to renew my prim. don't even an account.
March 31, 2021
Between 3pm and 9pm on March 30-, 2021 I received 15 calls all coming supposedly from Amazon about a purchase and to press one for more information. This is plain harrassment . Can't the FTC doing anything about it?
March 31, 2021

In reply to by Eddy

Seriously. If phone numbers are provided it seems the owners could be tracked down and issued a citation or something.
March 31, 2021
I got a call today, saying a suspicious iphone purchased had occurred on the card connected to my account. Press 1 or 2. I hung up.
Tx Mama
March 31, 2021
Got a voice mail indicating a charge of $1537 was made to my bank and the "item ordered will be delivered to doorstep" today. Message said if I DID NOT place this order, to press 1 now...I know its fake because I don't have an account with $1500 available credit for them to charge anything to!
March 31, 2021
They are back at it. 3 calls in 15 minutes.
March 31, 2021
I got a call missed it and called back he wanted to know if i ordered an Iphone I said no. I wanted to see where this was going. He wanted me to go to my computer so he could give me a form so I could get a refund of $599.00 . I was throwing him of balance during the call. When I told him I had my computer on suddenly he was having trouble hearing me so I just hung up. The number was 1-502-442-2180. Ive never owned nor wanted an Iphone ever smh. BLOCKED!!
March 31, 2021
I got one of these calls, and I believed it was real. Before I was oblivious, now I know very well what is a scam or not, I really wish that was the case before I lost 1000$. I knew about the social security identity being stolen as a scam but not this amazon call. The problem was I was unable to get into my account and check it out because I had recently changed my phone number so when I clicked "I forgot my user name or password" it kept making me check my phone for a code to punch in. Thus I was unable to look to see if anything did go through. Thus in order to get a "refund" for the money that was taken out of my account I had to transfer money. Looking back on it I don't know how I didn't realize it was a scam. I know better now, but please educate teens and young adults about these things if they don't know. I know this happens to older people more often but some young people don't know better either!
April 01, 2021
Just received a recorded call saying someone used my Amazon acct to buy an iphone for 747 million dollars. I did not press 1 but listened. They disconnected.
Tired of these…
April 02, 2021
I have been getting constant calls since last night, they ended around 8:30 pm but started again this morning every 5-10 minutes. They keep leaving voice mails saying my iCloud account has been hacked and I need to speak to them to verify my information and change my password. DO NOT ANSWER or SHARE INFORMATION. I had to download an app to block them out.
April 03, 2021
Got phone call in robot voice from Amazon saying “a iPod for $189 is being sent to this address, press one to confirm you ordered this merchandise.” I did nothing let answering machine take the call, then hung up.
Orlando User
April 05, 2021
I received a voicemail from Amazon stating that something was ordered on my account and I was about to be charged $749. It was the exact recording that is on this site.
April 05, 2021
I've received 6 phone calls in less than an hour regarding a suspicious purchase on my Amazon account. "Please press 1 to dispute this charge", I just hang up. The calls are annoying. They are coming about every 7 minutes from a different number each time. I answered twice let the other go to voicemail. Basically the same message each time. Hopefully, they give up once they realize I'm not going to press 1.
April 05, 2021
I just started getting these calls this morning on my cell phone, robovoice saying they're "Amazon" calling about some "$729 charge from Ohio". Caller id is from area code and next 3 digits of my cell number, last 4 digits have changed with each call. Pressing 1 gets a really noisy connection to some guy with an Indian accent with lots of call center noise in the background. I asked one to just send the info to my email (real Amazon has it, but not my cell number), and got some long obviously scripted story about hacking, and my IP address, blah, blah, blah... Different "customer service" guys on each call, so far 5 calls within 30 mins.
Thank goodness…
April 05, 2021
I just got this phone call today. One thing that stood out was that Amazon never contacted me about a purchase. Also, my credit card sends a notification on my phone whenever I use it to buy something.
April 06, 2021
Today I had a phone call supposably from Amazon The number came up on my phone as INTERNATIONAL Robotic message saying £399 had been charged to my card.
Don't use your…
April 06, 2021
April 06, 2021
I just got the fake Amazon call and have been getting the calls claiming to be from Microsoft for months.
April 06, 2021
File a complaint with the FTC, let’s shut these people down!!!! I received this voicemail message 5 times in 1-2 hours: “Using any Apple device please contact Apple support advisor press one to connect with Apple support advisor press two to listen to this message again or if you wish to contact us later please call us on our toll-free number 315-232-8257 thank you…” I am registered on the National do not call Registry, so I sent the above 315 number to them in a complaint I filed. Everyone needs to deal with this in that way, don't respond to the scammers, respond to the FTC!
No thanks scammers
April 06, 2021
Just got two calls from two different numbers with the same area and exchange codes as mine (so they appear to be local calls) telling me there is suspicious activity in my icloud account and to call 315-232-8527.
April 06, 2021
They have called me 4-5 times a day for the past week using spoofed local phone numbers. Why is the FTC unable to shut them down?
mighty annoyed
April 06, 2021
10 scam amazon calls in 90 minutes . All of them came from different numbers so can't be blocked. What can be done?
April 07, 2021
Recorded call on cell today. Amazon is billing automatically from my account to pay for Prime membership renewal. Press 1 if you wish to cancel. Hung up.
April 07, 2021
Please make this spam stop. I have received a dozen calls before noon. Completely obnoxious.
April 07, 2021
I got scammed by an Amazon representativeHe took $2,000 of my money I was a foolHe said that there were some people they were trying to buy all kind of stuff on my Amazon Prime and he was going to get theBelieve illegal activity in the scammers off of my account
MeMe W
April 07, 2021
I just received a called because I kept getting calls from a city and state where I have young family members and wanted to ensure they were Ola me not calling with an issue, so I answered.. I pressed 1 and was advised that I needed to pay “7 9 9” for an iPhone 11 purchased. I explained I didn’t have one or ordered one. She couldn’t tell me anything and I asked for the email address for the account this was in reference to and she hung up the phone.
yes, me too
April 07, 2021
Just received 7 calls in less than 2 hours from "allegedly" Apple Care (315) 232-8257. Same message: iCloud account compromised. I disregard.
April 07, 2021
I've also received text messages informing me of purchase made through AMAZON under my name for an IPad and Apple phone and requesting that I call back if I did not make such purchases. I did not make such purchases of course. The numbers that sent these messages are : 804 492 0661 , 419 963 5269, 850 855 4146 and 877 203 6034.
April 07, 2021
Believe it or not... between 4:00 PM and 5:00 PM today they called my number NINE TIMES...!!! and are still calling it. My answer machine picks up their phony message. I may have to disconnect the phone line from the wall outlet. If this keeps up I will have to change my number. Why doesn't some agency out a stop to it...?
April 07, 2021
How are you managing to block them please? I get a private number ringing me repeatedly but can only delete not block.
Bella girl
April 08, 2021
Actually I am a victim I googled Amazon and a number is listed I called and someone answered the phone (thanks for calling Amazon my name is Rick) He promised that he was there to help me in the meantime had stole $2,499.00 from my account
April 08, 2021
I just had two in a row from Amazon customer service stating I had made a purchase for an iphone 11 and they had marked it as suspisious. When I asked for the order number he stated it was 003. Amazon order numbers are much longer than that and I hung up. Wonder what they were going to do if I asked them to cancel the order? Maybe ask to verify the credit card number?
April 08, 2021
I got a call saying I made a large purchase on my amazon account. They said press one if this was not you. I pressed one. Once I realized It was a scam I hung up. Should I be concerned that I pressed 1?
elsa B.Don't u…
April 08, 2021
Daily recorded calls, sometimes up to 3 from "Daniel from Amazon" to let me know that $1,400 was charged to my account for either an I-phone or for a computer. Then ongoing texts sent to my phone to tell me "Thanks for my Amazon purchase. We will notify you we its shipped. View the order and special rewards on..........." I'm supposed to click and be connected....Ha, ha, ha! We continue to check our account for anything out of order and change id, etc. but it is very annoying.
April 08, 2021
Received 25 calls today from ‘apple’ in a period of 2 1/2 hours on my home phone land line. Pulled the phone out of the wall. Only reason I know it’s 25 calls is because fios keeps track of the call log. Is there any way of getting a lawyer or the police involved? This is harassment.
April 09, 2021
I've gotten 4 calls from the Amazon flavor of this scam in the last 2 hours - so thirsty and aggressive.
April 09, 2021
Today I got 10 calls in a row from Amazon scammers. Someone used my account to purchase an iPhone supposedly LOL! Thanks for posting the audio because that’s EXACTLY what was said.
Flipped out
April 10, 2021
I have received 11 calls in an hour and a half from a recording that claims to be Molly from Amazon and there is suspicious activity on my account. Anyone else get that one? Each call from a different local number wit a different name Can this be stopped somehow?
April 10, 2021
They are spamming my home and cellphones every 3-4 seconds. It is very aggravating. All of the numbers are different and are local numbers, and they even cloned my home phone on one of the calls to my cell phone. This is a large headache.
April 11, 2021
Just got the Apple support call FIVE times in a row on my house phone, idiots
Ks ferrets
April 11, 2021
Got 3 messages from 3 different numbers saying i purchased a camera and a laptop which I know i didn't , once you block them they try again on another number
April 12, 2021
Apple scam began early this AM. I've had now 6 calls from different numbers (with the same recorded message) all about Apple product security breach. I DO NOT HAVE ANY APPLE PRODUCTS. I did press 1 and asked them to remove my number, as I have none of their products, but the calls keep coming ... 7th just now.
April 12, 2021
I have received at least 10 calls from a 518 number stating that my amazon account from Dayton ohio is in dispute. The phone number is the same accept the last four digits. Every time a block a number another similar one calls.