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Here at the FTC, we think about scams all day long. What are the scammers’ new angles? How can we keep ahead of them? We hear from people about the scams they see, and we turn that into tips people use to spot and avoid scams.

But scammers find FTC staff, just as they find the rest of America. My colleagues and I have even gotten calls on our work phones, offering reduced credit card interest rates, or claiming to be tech support calling about problems with our computers. We also get the calls at home. In fact, someone claiming to work for the IRS called my house just last week:

This has all the signs of an IRS imposter scam. In fact, the IRS won’t call out of the blue to ask for payment, won’t demand a specific form of payment, and won’t leave a message threatening to sue you if you don’t pay right away. Have you gotten a bogus IRS call like this? If you did, report the call to the FTC and to TIGTA – include the phone number it came from, along with any details you have.

John b
March 12, 2015
Why not play along with the scammer and set them up with law enforcement?
K Zimmerman
March 17, 2015

In reply to by John b

I have been receiving calls from 866-253-0374. Claim to be the IRS. I knew it was a scam so I spend a few spare minutes each day robo calling them to tie up their line. They recognize my voice and either laugh at me or say something ugly. I am still waiting for law enforcement to come to my house to collect the money these jerks say I owe! I wish these numbers could be tracked!
FTC Staff
March 18, 2015

In reply to by K Zimmerman

If you get illegal sales calls or robocalls, it's best to ignore them. Don't interact in any way. Don’t press buttons to be taken off the call list or to talk to a live person or call back. That just leads to more calls. It sounds like you have useful details for a complaint.  Please report your experience at

joe slick
October 21, 2015

In reply to by FTC Staff

I received a phone call from some clown attempting to pawn themselves off as the I.R.S. I called them back several times and the party always hangs up on me, or I get a buzzy signal. I have a funny feeling the people who pretended to be the I.R.S. are sorry they ever attempted to swindle money out of me.
November 04, 2015

In reply to by joe slick

November 24, 2015

In reply to by AZ MIKE

Got a phone call today from 347-927-4986. Said I had an outstanding warrant for back taxes for the past seven years. It was a woman with a thick Indian accent. I told her I didn't believe her after she said she sent me a letter in the mail and I didn't receive it. She told me to contact the USPS and take it up with them. When I told her how do I know it's really the IRS, she said I can deal with the police when she calls them in 30 minutes. Don't be a sucker. They knew my address, but that's easy to get.
November 24, 2015

In reply to by BILL OHIO

I received the same call, called back to waste their time, told them that jail would be better, a warm dry place to sleep and three meals a day...
November 27, 2015

In reply to by Danhio

Got a similar call to from 5055691040 said they were the Internal Revenue Service regarding they were FILING A LAWSUIT AGAINST ME!
December 04, 2015

In reply to by ohbrother\

Got 3 calls this morning from 347-983-0181 and was told that I'll be arrested for taxation fraud and I just laughed at her since clearly it was a scam they are trying to pull. Just wanted to post the number in case someone else gets the call from them.
December 08, 2015

In reply to by Allie

I received two calls and left messages on my answering machine stating that the IRS is filing a lawsuit against me and for me to call 404-936-3498 to review my case. This is the phone number they ask me to call back.
February 19, 2016

In reply to by Blue

I got a similar call from a "Robert Miller" saying something about an enforcement action from the U.S. treasury Department I contacted the FTC>
August 15, 2016

In reply to by Blue

I got multiple phone calls/voicemails from this number213-447-2709 and saying the same thing.
August 25, 2016

In reply to by vt3027

Just want to get this out there. My caller ID states it's originating from NY. No. is 646 632 1180. They are threatening to file IRS lawsuit and asking to call same no. for details. I reported it to FTC complaint website. I hope this helps.
San Diego
September 20, 2016

In reply to by FYI

Voicemail from 213-309-0083 citing same IRS lawsuit. I called back and Mr. Mike Jacobs (heavy accent) stated no letters mailed because nobody home to receive them!
September 22, 2016

In reply to by FYI

Just got a call from a 931-842-5866 saying they are the IRS and they will file a lawsuit against me if I don't pay it was a recording. That is a scam people
June 24, 2017

In reply to by Blue

Same thing happened to me. I blocked the number. They never mentioned my name or their name. And it was from a different area code then mine. 321-204-4349. Florida area code I live in different state!
August 04, 2017

In reply to by Mightymouse13

Almost exactly the same experience. Phone message from a Florida number, claiming to be the IRS and demanding that I call them because of "serious violations" in my return. A number of grammatical errors in the message. I decided to call. Someone answered, that "this is the IRS". I answered, "No, it isn't. It's a scam and I'm notifying the Attorney General." They hung up.
July 31, 2017

In reply to by Blue

The same thing happened to me but with the number 509-319-2610 but I'm only 12 so I'm freaking out
August 08, 2017

In reply to by upset

Just received a call from 425-230-4870. They left a message saying they are the IRS and are waiting for my call. I just ignored the number since it was unknown. Once I heard the robo message, I knew it was a scam.
September 26, 2017

In reply to by sam123

Just got the same call, a recorded message claiming the IRS has just filed a lawsuit against me and if I want to resolve it to call them. I knew it was a scam right away, since I've gotten nothing in the mail from the IRS. So I hung up and blocked their number: 202-813-0536 Washington DC.
November 22, 2017

In reply to by sam123

The fraudsters are at it again; received message on my answering machine via a robo-voice claiming to be the IRS and that they have been trying to reach me over the last 6 months about possible fraud on my taxes and that they are investigating me. The voice states that since I have not responded they are considering my lack of response as intentional fraud on my part and that charges will be filed against me. They called from the phone number 818-309-2064
Joe's Gal
September 14, 2018

In reply to by Susan68

I had the same thing happen this morning. I had a voicemail with an automated voice saying they've been trying to contact me for 6 months with no response and now it's considered intentional fraud, so I'd better call them back at 909-768-2645 before they file a lawsuit against me. However, the first part of their message was cut off, so I can't be certain they're claiming to be the IRS.
March 05, 2016

In reply to by Allie

I just received a call saying I was on a list for tax evasion fraud and that they could send a lawyer out to me. They asked my name and address. I gave my name not my address. I told them I would contact my own lawyer and they tried to pursuade me to let them do it. I also said I would give the police their number and hung up...716-902-1565
August 08, 2016

In reply to by ohbrother\

the call i recieved came from a private number. the message was that the irs is filing a lawsuit against me. How do I know if it is real
FTC Staff
August 08, 2016

In reply to by Haymaker2010

If the IRS needs to reach you it will send a letter.

The IRS won’t call out of the blue to ask for payment. IRS staff won’t demand a specific form of payment, and won’t leave a message threatening to sue you if you don’t pay right away.

If you get a fake IRS call, report the call to the FTC and to TIGTA – include the phone number it came from, along with any details you have.

August 18, 2016

In reply to by FTC Staff

Have received 7 such phone calls on my answering machine. 3 in one day. Filed a complaint with the FTC. When I called the police they told me to file a complaint with the FTC. Caller ID says they are wireless callers. Hope the FTC calls all those numbers I gave them.
smart americans
August 11, 2016

In reply to by Haymaker2010

recieved same phone call same exact day as u.they have been calling twice a day for past few days.everyday with a diff # usually a 305 area code.i know thats miami.but im sure its india,or elsewhere.we all do.we have brains.they are robotic calls,because they are avoiding their accents being detected.duh.and the scams keep coming..geeze.why dont they get a job,and leave AMERICANS alone!!! oh ya,did i mention i also won the african lottery 3 times this year.and have multiple emails of people that have money for me to
Florida gal
February 21, 2017

In reply to by Haymaker2010

I received a very bad quality voice mail on a Saturday from 469-754-0747 stating there was a warrant out for my arrest for tax fraud. I called the number on the following Tuesday and the number was not in service. I was looking forward to speaking with them..They are messing with the wrong person!! I cannot stand people that scam hard workers out of our money instead of working themselves!
September 23, 2017

In reply to by Florida gal

Same thing just happened to me. Really not cool to scare people into thinking the IRS is going to show up at their job. Besides if you owe back taxes or have fraud in your taxes the IRS is not gonna call you
August 13, 2016

In reply to by ohbrother\

I know me too... Like if i hanged up there will be a police at my door...and that have tooo go to court, etc....
August 17, 2016

In reply to by Danhio

I called them about 40 times yesterday (213.509.4389 irc scam) and finally someone answered and cussed me out.. I went off the rails man..I mean...straight up taken. "I WILL FIND YOU" Felt good to yell for about 5 minutes straight. But im starting wonder if they call is just routed through that number.
January 13, 2016

In reply to by BILL OHIO

I rec"d a call from 347 560-5212, claiming to be the IRS and that I owed $4829.00.Stated that I was going to be arrested unless I could pay today some of this money. Name the woman used was Jennifer Snyder. Be aware of this scam.
Linda K
January 25, 2016

In reply to by BILL OHIO

I just got a call from 347-441-0988 leaving a message stating if that the internal revenue service is filing a lawsuit against me. I didn't answer nor call them back, but I thought I would state the number on here so others would know. 1-25-2016

FTC Staff
January 25, 2016

In reply to by Linda K

Please report this to the FTC at, so that law enforcement can see the details.

Blog comments don't go into the database that law enforcement uses for investigations.

May 17, 2016

In reply to by FTC Staff

I've received several calls from a (207) number claiming that I am going to be sued as a result of owed taxes. I called the number they gave me back, when I told the agent I did not owe any taxes, I was hung up on. When I tried to call back several times, my calls went unanswered. I finally got someone else on the phone, ( both agents had VERY thick East Indian accents), and told him that I did NOT owe taxes, again. After he took my name and zip, he went in to a schpeel about them trying to reach out to me before said lawsuit was filed, and gave me a badge number, which I already knew was fake as I had already done some research on these IRS scams. When I said, yet AGAIN, that I did not owe taxes, he said,"SORRY", and QUICKLY hung up on me. Please be careful. These people KNEW I was NOT about to continue with this game and they were NOT about to get any money from me, so they discontinued correspondence. Others may not be so lucky. Do your research before shelling out a SINGLE DIME, guys.
Don't use your…
May 19, 2016

In reply to by Telove

I just got a call from 520-210-7129, Steve Parker, claiming he is an IRS agent and that a legal petition for fraud is about to be filed against and tha I should call immediately. The call was automated. Obviously, I do not intend to call. I will, however, be calling the Attorney General's office and filing my own complaint!
June 30, 2016

In reply to by Don't use your…

Hey Steve Parker called me too! I sent him $2500. Just Joking.
August 08, 2018

In reply to by Don't use your…

Just got an automated call from Officer Steve Parker from a 310 area code threatening arrest. Seems Mr. Parker is still alive and well.
September 11, 2018

In reply to by Keith

Yep, just received a call from Officer Steve Parker from 510-686-7938. Blocked that number but is there anything else we can do?
September 18, 2018

In reply to by Don't use your…

"I just got a call from Steve Parker to. The number is 510-578-3948. about the Federal Claims court house"
September 19, 2018

In reply to by Eli

We just received a robo-call from Dr. Steve Parker from the IRS stating there is a legal petition notice regarding Tax Fraud and for him to be called back immediately. 510-686-7910. I called back 5 min. later and 'mail box is full'... Thank you all for your posts. Total Fraud.
October 31, 2018

In reply to by Don't use your…

Voicemail from Officer Steve Parker aswell. Sounded like a robo cop. Call was from 410-656-6272. I have dealt with the IRS before and this is NOT how they went about it at all
February 22, 2016

In reply to by Linda K

Ok i got a call from 202 899 9036 is that the irs just curious I got an automated phone from them saying that there going to file a lawsuit against me if I don't pay
July 20, 2016

In reply to by Smith24aj

I got the same msg today....from 202 number as well. Did anything ever happen?
July 30, 2016

In reply to by Linda K

Got a call and voice mail saying the IRS was filing a Lawsuit which is an obvious scam. The number they used this time was 509-252-0823 out of Spokane, WA. The IRS doesn't operate this way and will never call you about filing a lawsuit. Everything I have dealt with the IRS was first through the mail, never have they called me first.
September 13, 2016

In reply to by EricB

Yes! Same thing here, I was scared at first but while the guy with the heavy indian accent kept talking, I was googling the number on my Ipad. Realized it was a scam, but boy it did scare me. The number listec was:509-571-9181
February 16, 2016

In reply to by BILL OHIO

The woman with a thick Indian accent has been busy. My wife's call from her came on a 352 line.
July 01, 2016

In reply to by Ryan

Yea there are only 7 or 8 of them in the same room I think. They called me from 3608751823 and i called back repeatedly for 2 hours trolling them until they disconnected the number. Im sure they have more, but at least I helped that little bit.